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1) 지원자격 - 고졸이상 연령, 직업제한 없음 (일반인, 대학생, 단체 등 지원가능)
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4) 수료기준 - 온라인 출석 100% + 온라인 시험 60점 이상
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South Africa warrant for businessman Ajay Gupta cancelled
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Brexit: Hour-long queues for Eurostar passengers after border guards stage no-deal border checks trial in Paris
New Zealand Fears Fraying Ties With China, Its Biggest Customer
Pompeo says more U.S-North Korea meetings possible, but no plans
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Strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia
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Spare Rib digital archive faces closure in event of no-deal Brexit
What happened to Otto Warmbier in North Korea, how long was he in a coma and when did he die?
Trump says may declare Islamic State defeated next week
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EU calls for free, credible presidential elections in Venezuela
US says airstrike in Somalia kills 13 al-Shabab extremists
라이나 치아보험
French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin offers his resignation after being convicted of failing to report a pedophile priest
Why is Brexit sending so many in search of their Irish roots?
Mexico Protests U.S. Decision to Return Asylum Seekers
Vatican to open archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII, accused by Jewish groups of staying silent on Holocaust
Iraqi rapper gives voice to youth frustrated by politicians and religious leaders in Basra
이니스프리 11월 세일
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