글쓰기(장학지원-온라인교육)인기 135여자격증 무료수강 장학생 모집합니다.
● 모집개요
본격적인 고령화 사회를 맞아 현재는 물론 미래에 대해 대비할 수 있는 배움과 준비의 기회를 마련하고자
135여가지 1급 유망민간자격증을 온라인으로 취득할 수 있는 과정에 대해 전액장학교육 혜택을 받을 수 있는 기회를 제공하게 되었습니다.
이에 전액장학교육 혜택을 받을 수강생을 아래와 같이 모집하오니 많은 지원 바랍니다.
* 국무총리산하 국책연구기관인 한국직업능력개발원에 등록된 자격증입니다.
* 본 과정은 환급과정이 절대 아닙니다. 교육시 납부비용이 없습니다.
● 과정안내
1) 지원자격 - 연령, 학력, 직업제한 없음 (일반인, 대학생, 단체 등 지원가능)
2) 신청기간 - 과목별 정원 마감시까지 (과목별 정원 1,000명)
3) 장학혜택 - 1회 5과목까지 수강료 및 시험응시료 전액지원 (1회 수강완료시 추가 수강)
4) 수강기간 - 온라인 수업 4주 수강과정 (1,2주 초단기취득 가능)
5) 수료기준 - 온라인 출석 60% 이상 + 온라인 시험 60점 이상
● 모집과정
▷ 심리상담 과정
청소년미술심리상담사, 아동미술심리상담사, 아동학대예방상담사, 학교폭력예방상담사, 다문화심리상담사, 부부심리상담사, 미술심리상담사, 음악심리상담사, 원예심리상담사, 아동심리상담사, 부모교육상담사, 분노조절상담사, 심리분석사, 심리상담사, 놀이심리상담사, 가족심리상담사, 색채심리상담사, 스포츠심리상담사,문학심리상담사,독서심리상담사,인지행동심리상담사
▷ 실버과정
실버레크레이션지도자, 노인음악심리상담사, 노인심리상담사, 실버건강지도사, 노후설계지도사, 노인교육지도사, 노인미술심리상담사, 노인두뇌훈련지도사
▷ 방과후 / 학교관련 과정
아동청소년스피치지도사, 방과후영어교육지도사, 방과후돌봄교실지도사, 스토리텔링수학지도사, 창의과학교육지도사, 색종이접기지도사, 레크리에이션지도자, 방과후학교지도사, 마술교육지도사, 자원봉사지도사, 영재놀이지도사, 보드게임지도사, 영어독서지도사, 클레이아트.영재놀이지도사, 책놀이지도사, 하브루타지도사,스토리텔링그림책지도사
▷ 영유아교육 과정
아동요리지도사, 놀이교육지도사, 아동교육지도사, 동화구연지도사, 아동독서지도사, 손유희지도사, 특수아동지도사, 아동발달전문지도사
▷ 병원 과정
실버병원코디네이터, 병원진료접수매니저, 병원서비스매니저, 병원행정관리사, 병원코디네이터, 요양병원관리사 ,보험심사평가사, 병원원무행정사
▷ 커피 과정
커피 바리스타전문가, 커피 품질평가사, 커피 핸드드립전문가, 와인 소믈리에, 커피로스팅마스터, 티소믈리에
▷ 전문가 과정
이미지메이킹지도사, 프리젠테이션전문가, 스피치지도사, 골프전문캐디, 결혼상담사, CS강사 ,운동처방사, 개인정도관리사, 인사총무관리사, 콜센터전문상담사, 감정노동관리사, 4대보험관리사
▷ 강사관련 과정
퍼스널컬러컨설턴트, 플로리스트전문가, 캘리그라피지도사, SNS마케팅전문가, 영어요리지도사, 정리수납전문가, 쇼핑몰관리사, 리더십지도사, 가정관리사, 장애인인식개선지도사
▷ 공부과정
자기주도학습지도사, 진로적성상담사, 공부습관지도사, 독서토론지도사, 공부방지도사, 독서지도사, 진로직업상담사
▷ 안전과정
학교보안안전지도사, 안전교육지도사, 재난안전지도사
▷ 인문과정
한국어지도사, 한국사지도사, 인문학지도사, 한도사
▷ 반려과정
반려동물관리사, 반려동물행동교정사, 반려동물장례지도사
▷ 기타 인기과정
3D프린팅지도사, 스마트IT컴퓨터지도사, 빌딩관리사, 부동산자산관리전문가, HRD전문가, 전산회계, 부동산분양상담전문가, 컴퓨터OA마스터, 스마트폰활용지도사, 코딩지도사, 기업생산관리자, CRS, 전문비서, 소프트웨어교육지도사, 부동산권리분석사,정보보안전문가,해킹보안전문가,컴퓨터사무정보처리사,6시그마,빅데이터전문가,DCS
Brexit drives up financial license applications in Luxembourg
Michael Jackson wrote disturbing notes ‘about rubbing himself on kids’ in photobook featuring naked boys, handwriting expert claims
단기간 다이어트
Michael Jackson’s pal Brigitte Nielsen claims star ‘never abused kids’ and his actions were ‘taken out of context’
UK PM May told Conservative lawmakers: send Brussels a message about what you want on Brexit
Auckland threatens to eject Lime scooters after wheels lock at high speed
Boeing receives $39M for finalization of 4 new-build MH-47G helicopters
Trump holds first rally since Mueller report submission – live
우체국 실비보험
How Michael Jackson rigged Neverland ranch as his paedo lair with ‘abuse rooms’ and network of bells and alarms to warn him if people were coming
다이어트 방법
The Latest: Trump won’t say US demands irreversible denuking
Facing Arrest Threat, Juan Guaidó, Returns to Venezuela
WATCH: Diver accidentally ends up inside the mouth of a large whale
Nursery worker who stamped on little boy’s head and punched tiny girl while screaming her to clean up vomit is arrested
Revealed: Spice Girls T-shirts made in factory paying staff 35p an hour
Donald Trump Jr hints he could run for president in 2024
Enormous ‘porn star ’ on show in terrifying gallery of selfies
UK fighter jets intercept Russian Tu-160 bombers flying over North Sea
The Latest: Top Saudi diplomat expected in Islamabad
Is Trump heading for a fall over the border wall?
The US jobs market almost stalled in February. But not quite.
R Kelly abuse interview – star ‘lost control’ in state of ‘aggressive arousal’ as he sobbed and beat chest, body language expert reveals
네이버 타자연습
Malian jihadist leader said to have been killed by France is alive
Trump says there is 'a good chance' he will declare a national emergency to build a border wall
햇살론 서민대출
Yazidis freed from Islamic State captivity in Syria, returned to Iraq
Outrage after Brazil’s Bolsonaro tweets ually explicit video
Bangladesh tells UN Security Council it cannot take more Myanmar Rohingya refugees
‘Maduro won’t roll over’: US-backed coup in Venezuela could lead to civil war, experts warn
Bell-Boeing awarded $144m contract for V-22 support
Maduro: ‘David v Goliath’ conflict between Venezuela & US will leave Trump ‘stained with blood’
네이버백신 다운로드
Bank of Japan keeps interest rates steady and cuts inflation forecast
The Latest: Pro baseball tournament moved from Venezuela
Russian Su-27 fighter jets shadowed US nuclear-capable bombers twice in last 24hrs – MoD
People Everywhere Are Laying Flowers At Mosques After The Christchurch Mass Shootings
Saudi Arabia to release Houthi prisoners after ill soldier freed
Chinese rights lawyer disappears on prison release date
Bad weather delays search for 2 climbers in Pakistan
우체국 실비보험
US puts end to dispute with EU over diplomatic protocol
US government shutdown leaves FBI workers visiting food banks and federal employees pawning their belongings to pay bills
이니스프리 10월 세일
Doomed Boeing 737 Max missing 2 key safety features that were sold as ‘optional extras’
Pope brings World Youth Day to prisoners, hears confessions
Michael Jackson wrote disturbing notes ‘about rubbing himself on kids’ in photobook featuring naked boys, handwriting expert claims
단기간 다이어트
Michael Jackson’s pal Brigitte Nielsen claims star ‘never abused kids’ and his actions were ‘taken out of context’
UK PM May told Conservative lawmakers: send Brussels a message about what you want on Brexit
Auckland threatens to eject Lime scooters after wheels lock at high speed
Boeing receives $39M for finalization of 4 new-build MH-47G helicopters
Trump holds first rally since Mueller report submission – live
우체국 실비보험
How Michael Jackson rigged Neverland ranch as his paedo lair with ‘abuse rooms’ and network of bells and alarms to warn him if people were coming
다이어트 방법
The Latest: Trump won’t say US demands irreversible denuking
Facing Arrest Threat, Juan Guaidó, Returns to Venezuela
WATCH: Diver accidentally ends up inside the mouth of a large whale
Nursery worker who stamped on little boy’s head and punched tiny girl while screaming her to clean up vomit is arrested
Revealed: Spice Girls T-shirts made in factory paying staff 35p an hour
Donald Trump Jr hints he could run for president in 2024
Enormous ‘porn star ’ on show in terrifying gallery of selfies
UK fighter jets intercept Russian Tu-160 bombers flying over North Sea
The Latest: Top Saudi diplomat expected in Islamabad
Is Trump heading for a fall over the border wall?
The US jobs market almost stalled in February. But not quite.
R Kelly abuse interview – star ‘lost control’ in state of ‘aggressive arousal’ as he sobbed and beat chest, body language expert reveals
네이버 타자연습
Malian jihadist leader said to have been killed by France is alive
Trump says there is 'a good chance' he will declare a national emergency to build a border wall
햇살론 서민대출
Yazidis freed from Islamic State captivity in Syria, returned to Iraq
Outrage after Brazil’s Bolsonaro tweets ually explicit video
Bangladesh tells UN Security Council it cannot take more Myanmar Rohingya refugees
‘Maduro won’t roll over’: US-backed coup in Venezuela could lead to civil war, experts warn
Bell-Boeing awarded $144m contract for V-22 support
Maduro: ‘David v Goliath’ conflict between Venezuela & US will leave Trump ‘stained with blood’
네이버백신 다운로드
Bank of Japan keeps interest rates steady and cuts inflation forecast
The Latest: Pro baseball tournament moved from Venezuela
Russian Su-27 fighter jets shadowed US nuclear-capable bombers twice in last 24hrs – MoD
People Everywhere Are Laying Flowers At Mosques After The Christchurch Mass Shootings
Saudi Arabia to release Houthi prisoners after ill soldier freed
Chinese rights lawyer disappears on prison release date
Bad weather delays search for 2 climbers in Pakistan
우체국 실비보험
US puts end to dispute with EU over diplomatic protocol
US government shutdown leaves FBI workers visiting food banks and federal employees pawning their belongings to pay bills
이니스프리 10월 세일
Doomed Boeing 737 Max missing 2 key safety features that were sold as ‘optional extras’
Pope brings World Youth Day to prisoners, hears confessions
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