글쓰기평생 준비 보육교사 자격증반 모집
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▶고등학교 졸업 : 온라인강의 18과목 + 대면8과목 + 실습1과목 총 3~4학기과정 (2년)
▶전문대학교졸업자 이상 : 온라인강의8과목 + 대면8과목 + 실습1과목 총 3학기과정(1년)
※보육교사2급 자격증※
▶공통: 전공17과목 (사회복지사중복과목 넣어드립니다.)
▶취득기간:1년6개월 ~ 2년 (1학기 15주 과정)
※보육교사 자격증 취득 이유※
1. 취득 시 바로 취업 가능!
(내년까지 국공립 어린이집 2,000개 지속 확충)
2. 보 육 교 사 처우개선책 발표
: 근무환경 개선 정책 (비정규직은 정규직으로)
3. 보 육 교 사 임금개선책 발표
: 현 평균 160만원+정부보조금 ▶ 200만원 이상으로 상향 조정!
4. 돌봄교실 취업가능
: 문재인 정부 돌봄정책으로 돌봄교사 수요 증가!
5. 다양한 취업처
: 어린이집 취업은 기본!
유치원 보조교사, 유아교육 관련기관, 기업 어린이집, 아동복지시설
등 다양하게 취업 가능
자격증 취득 후 + 실무경력 ▶ 어린이집원장자격 / 어린이집 개원가능!
: 정년이 없는 평생 직업으로 추천
AP Photos: Lunar New Year marked with celebration, ceremony
29 parents separated from their children and deported last year cross U.S. border to request asylum
Indian man chops his OWN finger off after accidentally voting for the wrong party in the world’s biggest general election
아리따움 10월 세일
The Latest: Taliban attack on Afghan army base kills 26
미샤 10월 세일
Dad’s heartbreak as daughter kills herself leaving her three little girls without a mum
HP 프린터 드라이버 다운로드
Kenya flights disrupted by airport workers strike
Newark Airport: At least a dozen vehicles on fire as blaze breaks out in carpark
우체국 실비보험
The Latest: Refugee asks Davos elite to do more to help
농협 실손보험
The Latest: Kim seen smoking cigarette in Japanese footage
Michael Jackson’s maid says sicko star ‘fondled, kissed and petted’ young boys at Neverland Ranch in damning eyewitness claims
호텔스닷컴 10월 할인코드
U.S. Navy awards order to upgrade additional MV-22 to Block C configuration
포토샵 무료설치
This grandma posed for a photo on an iceberg — then had to be rescued when she floated out to sea
Venezuela crisis: Border clashes, ‘masked thugs’, ‘torched aid’ & fake Red Cross
Japan probe Hayabusa2 touches down on Ryugu asteroid
Nein, thanks: Germany snubs F-35, new fighter choice still up in air
Estonians head to polls with populist party seen rising
Queen shares digital milestone with royal Instagram followers
Liam Neeson: After a friend was raped, I wanted to kill a black man
Virginia governor disavows racist photo, refuses to resign
29 parents separated from their children and deported last year cross U.S. border to request asylum
Indian man chops his OWN finger off after accidentally voting for the wrong party in the world’s biggest general election
아리따움 10월 세일
The Latest: Taliban attack on Afghan army base kills 26
미샤 10월 세일
Dad’s heartbreak as daughter kills herself leaving her three little girls without a mum
HP 프린터 드라이버 다운로드
Kenya flights disrupted by airport workers strike
Newark Airport: At least a dozen vehicles on fire as blaze breaks out in carpark
우체국 실비보험
The Latest: Refugee asks Davos elite to do more to help
농협 실손보험
The Latest: Kim seen smoking cigarette in Japanese footage
Michael Jackson’s maid says sicko star ‘fondled, kissed and petted’ young boys at Neverland Ranch in damning eyewitness claims
호텔스닷컴 10월 할인코드
U.S. Navy awards order to upgrade additional MV-22 to Block C configuration
포토샵 무료설치
This grandma posed for a photo on an iceberg — then had to be rescued when she floated out to sea
Venezuela crisis: Border clashes, ‘masked thugs’, ‘torched aid’ & fake Red Cross
Japan probe Hayabusa2 touches down on Ryugu asteroid
Nein, thanks: Germany snubs F-35, new fighter choice still up in air
Estonians head to polls with populist party seen rising
Queen shares digital milestone with royal Instagram followers
Liam Neeson: After a friend was raped, I wanted to kill a black man
Virginia governor disavows racist photo, refuses to resign
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