글쓰기평생 준비 보육교사 자격증반 모집
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최종학력에 따라 취득기간이 달라집니다.
▶고등학교 졸업 : 온라인강의 18과목 + 대면8과목 + 실습1과목 총 3~4학기과정 (2년)
▶전문대학교졸업자 이상 : 온라인강의8과목 + 대면8과목 + 실습1과목 총 3학기과정(1년)
※보육교사2급 자격증※
▶공통: 전공17과목 (사회복지사중복과목 넣어드립니다.)
▶취득기간:1년6개월 ~ 2년 (1학기 15주 과정)
※보육교사 자격증 취득 이유※
1. 취득 시 바로 취업 가능!
(내년까지 국공립 어린이집 2,000개 지속 확충)
2. 보 육 교 사 처우개선책 발표
: 근무환경 개선 정책 (비정규직은 정규직으로)
3. 보 육 교 사 임금개선책 발표
: 현 평균 160만원+정부보조금 ▶ 200만원 이상으로 상향 조정!
4. 돌봄교실 취업가능
: 문재인 정부 돌봄정책으로 돌봄교사 수요 증가!
5. 다양한 취업처
: 어린이집 취업은 기본!
유치원 보조교사, 유아교육 관련기관, 기업 어린이집, 아동복지시설
등 다양하게 취업 가능
자격증 취득 후 + 실무경력 ▶ 어린이집원장자격 / 어린이집 개원가능!
: 정년이 없는 평생 직업으로 추천
Jogger reveals he battered mountain lion with a rock then choked it to death during ten-minute life-or-death wrestling match when beast attacked him on trail
포토스케이프 다운로드
3rd time lucky? Nissan ex-chair Ghosn hoping for his release
반디집 다운로드
Venezuela coup – President Maduro’s armoured cars run over protesters as gunshots ring out in Caracas after Juan Guaido’s call for ‘uprising’
1st US congressional delegation in 14 years visits Eritrea
메리츠 실손보험
Pence in Colombia to discuss how to oust Venezuela’s Maduro
The Coming Chinese Storm
US: Upcoming Mideast conference not aimed at demonizing Iran
Responding to corruption allegations, Netanyahu accuses political opponents of ‘unprecedented witchhunt’
카카오뱅크 비상금대출
China’s economy is weakening, spurring fear of a global slowdown. The trade war isn’t helping
메리츠 실비보험
China to recalibrate Belt and Road, defend scheme against criticism
우체국 실비보험
Russia accused of spreading measles vaccine scare stories as Trump urges parents ‘get your kids shots’ amid outbreak
cma통장 추천
Heads bowed to the ground, suspected IS members surrender
Turkey arrests suspected spies for UAE, investigating Khashoggi link
DR Congo: Tshisekedi pledges to free political prisoners
러쉬 세일
Yemeni rebels slam UK foreign secretary over his comments
Chinese movie star pleads not guilty to ual assault in Australia
Ko Ni: Gunman get death penalty in murder of Myanmar Muslim lawyer
Renault board meeting to replace boss Ghosn, jailed in Japan
England and France: a tale of two coastlines
포토스케이프 다운로드
3rd time lucky? Nissan ex-chair Ghosn hoping for his release
반디집 다운로드
Venezuela coup – President Maduro’s armoured cars run over protesters as gunshots ring out in Caracas after Juan Guaido’s call for ‘uprising’
1st US congressional delegation in 14 years visits Eritrea
메리츠 실손보험
Pence in Colombia to discuss how to oust Venezuela’s Maduro
The Coming Chinese Storm
US: Upcoming Mideast conference not aimed at demonizing Iran
Responding to corruption allegations, Netanyahu accuses political opponents of ‘unprecedented witchhunt’
카카오뱅크 비상금대출
China’s economy is weakening, spurring fear of a global slowdown. The trade war isn’t helping
메리츠 실비보험
China to recalibrate Belt and Road, defend scheme against criticism
우체국 실비보험
Russia accused of spreading measles vaccine scare stories as Trump urges parents ‘get your kids shots’ amid outbreak
cma통장 추천
Heads bowed to the ground, suspected IS members surrender
Turkey arrests suspected spies for UAE, investigating Khashoggi link
DR Congo: Tshisekedi pledges to free political prisoners
러쉬 세일
Yemeni rebels slam UK foreign secretary over his comments
Chinese movie star pleads not guilty to ual assault in Australia
Ko Ni: Gunman get death penalty in murder of Myanmar Muslim lawyer
Renault board meeting to replace boss Ghosn, jailed in Japan
England and France: a tale of two coastlines
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