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2. 실습 120시간 -> 160시간 상향
3. 실습세미나 30시간 이상
현재 사회복지법 개정안이 입법예고 상태에 있는데요.
20년도에 개정안이 발표될 것으로 예상되며,
새로운 법안 적용시 자격증 취득 과정이 훨씬 어려워집니다.
이번에 자격증을 따두시는 것이 가장 좋다고 할 수 있습니다.
★ 사회복지사 2급 자격증 (고등학교 졸업자 기준)
- 온라인수업 26과목 + 실습 1과목 (120시간)
- 총 4학기 과정으로 별도의 시험 없이 취득가능
(현행법으로 취득시, 난이도 쉬운 자격증 1개를 취득하시면 3학기로 기간을 줄일 수 있습니다!)
★ 사회복지사 2급 자격증 (전문대 이상 졸업자 기준)
- 온라인수업 13과목 + 실습 1과목 (120시간)
- 총 2학기 과정으로 별도의 시험 없이 취득가능
카톡: free_eioj201-038sh
EU, US call on Albania opposition to avoid violence in rally
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UK leader visits Salisbury a year after Novichok attack
Samsung Electronics will scrap non-recyclable plastic in its packaging this year
Muslim convert jailed for plot to attack London’s Oxford St
U.S. Army to buy additional M230 automatic guns for Apache helicopters
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Egyptian photojournalist released after more than 5 years in prison
International Red Cross says it will channel aid to Venezuela
Tupac was branded a riot risk in prison and had to be kept in solitary for his own safety, explosive jail records reveal
2 US warships sail through Taiwan Strait amid tensions with China
Gun Battle in Somali Capital Ends in Death of Shabab Attackers
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‘I’m So Afraid’: Emiliano Sala Reportedly Sent Message from Plane
Malaysia deports Egyptians, Tunisian for alleged terror ties
Polish prime minister withdraws from Israel visit
UK and French tourists missing in Australia beach search
Euroskeptics aim to paralyze EU and they love Russia! – Think tank creates alarm ahead of EU polls
Louisiana shootings: Gunman on the run after five killed
IDF commander turned PM candidate touts body count & bombing Gaza into ‘stone age’ in campaign ad
햇살론 서민대출
한글 2017 무료설치
UK leader visits Salisbury a year after Novichok attack
Samsung Electronics will scrap non-recyclable plastic in its packaging this year
Muslim convert jailed for plot to attack London’s Oxford St
U.S. Army to buy additional M230 automatic guns for Apache helicopters
우체국 실비보험
Egyptian photojournalist released after more than 5 years in prison
International Red Cross says it will channel aid to Venezuela
Tupac was branded a riot risk in prison and had to be kept in solitary for his own safety, explosive jail records reveal
2 US warships sail through Taiwan Strait amid tensions with China
Gun Battle in Somali Capital Ends in Death of Shabab Attackers
Huawei founder says he would firmly reject Chinese law on intel gathering
HP 프린터 드라이버 다운로드
Facebook moderators ‘using drugs and having at work to cope with PTSD symptoms caused by watching extreme material all day’
반디집 다운로드
‘I’m So Afraid’: Emiliano Sala Reportedly Sent Message from Plane
Malaysia deports Egyptians, Tunisian for alleged terror ties
Polish prime minister withdraws from Israel visit
UK and French tourists missing in Australia beach search
Euroskeptics aim to paralyze EU and they love Russia! – Think tank creates alarm ahead of EU polls
Louisiana shootings: Gunman on the run after five killed
IDF commander turned PM candidate touts body count & bombing Gaza into ‘stone age’ in campaign ad
햇살론 서민대출
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