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국가자격증인 사회복지사2급자격증 취득과정에 대해 설명 도움드리겠습니다.
현재 노후대비 자격증 1위 / 명예퇴직자 유망 자격증 1위 / 경력단절 주부 재취업 자격증 1위이며
국가고시 전환으로 예상되어
현재 국가고시를 치루지 않고 취득할 수 있을 때 기회를 잡아야 합니다.
사회복지사2급자격증은 사회복지 전공으로 대학을 졸업해도 취득할 수 있지만
나라에서 인정받은 교육원에서 취득하실 수 있으며 비용, 시간면에서 훨씬 효율적입니다.
※ 자격증은 사회복지협회에서 발급되기 때문에 대학에서 취득한것과 교육원에서 취득한것이 동일합니다. ※
사회복지사2급자격증(국가자격증) 취득 안내
<고등학교 졸업자>의 경우 학위가 있어야 하기 때문에 이수해줘야하는 과목은 총 27과목
* 27과목(26과목 온라인강의 + 1과목 사회복지실습) 이수후 사회복지 전문학사학위(=2,3년제 학위) 취득과 동시에 자격증 발급
* 기간은1년6개월(3학기) ~ 2년(4학기)
* 수강안내 : 인터넷으로 모두 수강(단, 실습과목은제외)
* 수강신청 : 상담 후 온라인으로 수강신청
* 모집인원 : 200명 선착순 모집
<전문대이상 졸업자>의 경우 이미 학위가 있기 때문에
이수해줘야하는 과목은 총 14과목
* 14과목(13과목 온라인강의 + 1과목 사회복지실습)
* 기간은 1년(2학기)
* 수강안내 : 인터넷으로 모두 수강(단, 실습과목은제외)
* 수강신청 : 상담 후 온라인으로 수강신청
* 모집인원 : 200명 선착순 모집
현재는 이렇게 평생교육원에서도 과목이수만으로 취득하실 수 있으며
4년제 대학교 사회복지학과 나온 학생들이 취득하는 사회복지사2급자격증과 같은 국가자격증입니다.
더 궁금한점이나 보다 자세한 안내도움은 첨부파일이나 아래 내용을 통해 편한 방법으로 상담문의 남겨주시면 됩니다
카톡ID : asgfdk12asrfpj983
US-Born Marine Veteran Detained By ICE Was Carrying His US Passport When He Was Arrested
Nike share price plunges by $1.1bn after basketball star Zion Williamson's shoe breaks
YouTube aids flat earth conspiracy theorists, research suggests
메리츠 실비보험
Boy, 13, dies in -24C blizzard after running away from home when his parents took away his phone
World’s most expensive painting costing £342million ‘by Leonardo da Vinci’ could be FAKE, experts claim
UK junior agriculture minister resigns citing Brexit delay
Ted Bundy is a Sagittarius and Charles Manson was a Scorpio – did their star signs turn them into killers?
General Atomics gets $34 million foreign MQ-9 Block 5 aircraft contract
Venezuelans to face off with armed border guards over US aide convoy amid fears military may open FIRE on innocent protesters opposed to brutal socialist President Nicolas Maduro
Woman ‘gang-raped by hospital staff after being sedated and left by herself on intensive care ward’
삼성카드 결제일별 이용기간
Royal Netherlands Air Force to receive four MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft
Trump and Kim to start Vietnam summit with dinner
Kim Jong-un’s interpreter crowned internet hero after viral train sprint (VIDEO)
Ex-Venezuelan vice president accused of aiding drug dealers
우체국 실비보험
The effect of geopolitics on global growth worries me most, WEF president says
Two-year-old baby girl found dead in back of sweltering hot van after ‘distracted daycare workers FORGOT her after day trip’
US voices concern over Hezbollah’s role in Lebanese Cabinet
Animals pose like Kate Winslet in Titanic’s iconic ‘draw me like your French girls’ scene
North Korea goes to polls to approve new parliament lineup
주택담보대출 금리
Nike share price plunges by $1.1bn after basketball star Zion Williamson's shoe breaks
YouTube aids flat earth conspiracy theorists, research suggests
메리츠 실비보험
Boy, 13, dies in -24C blizzard after running away from home when his parents took away his phone
World’s most expensive painting costing £342million ‘by Leonardo da Vinci’ could be FAKE, experts claim
UK junior agriculture minister resigns citing Brexit delay
Ted Bundy is a Sagittarius and Charles Manson was a Scorpio – did their star signs turn them into killers?
General Atomics gets $34 million foreign MQ-9 Block 5 aircraft contract
Venezuelans to face off with armed border guards over US aide convoy amid fears military may open FIRE on innocent protesters opposed to brutal socialist President Nicolas Maduro
Woman ‘gang-raped by hospital staff after being sedated and left by herself on intensive care ward’
삼성카드 결제일별 이용기간
Royal Netherlands Air Force to receive four MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft
Trump and Kim to start Vietnam summit with dinner
Kim Jong-un’s interpreter crowned internet hero after viral train sprint (VIDEO)
Ex-Venezuelan vice president accused of aiding drug dealers
우체국 실비보험
The effect of geopolitics on global growth worries me most, WEF president says
Two-year-old baby girl found dead in back of sweltering hot van after ‘distracted daycare workers FORGOT her after day trip’
US voices concern over Hezbollah’s role in Lebanese Cabinet
Animals pose like Kate Winslet in Titanic’s iconic ‘draw me like your French girls’ scene
North Korea goes to polls to approve new parliament lineup
주택담보대출 금리
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